Enabling digital

Dot Project supported Youth Music to enable them to understand:

  • how to most effectively configure their digital tools

  • how they could use digital approaches to improve what they do and to help build a prioritised digital roadmap.

  • How to structure their teams and how to shape their culture to support their digital and technology ambition

We also supported them to understand how they could build capacity and expertise within the organisation, to deliver the digital roadmap.


Building an enabling environment for digital

We completed a number of technical audits and created collaborative spaces with the teams to identify how their existing tools and teams supported them to reach their organisational goals. We were able to uncover the systems, behaviours and ways of working that could enable them to maximise their existing knowledge and experience whilst also identifying gaps and opportunities to improve.

We produced prioritised and detailed recommendations on how they could evolve their use of existing systems and the additional systems they might need to consider. We supported them in re-imagining team structures and cultural behaviours that would better support their strategic intent and helped develop a prioritised change roadmap that would allow the teams to move forward whilst still delivering 'business as usual'.

The team have since implemented a number of the recommendations and have moved forward with restructuring teams and recruitment of additional roles to support them in their mission.




Access Social Care